
October 2024
EdgeRIC demos and tutorial presented at srsRAN Workshop 2024. Congratulations Ish, Ushasi, Ali, Sushila, and Archana!

September 2024
WCSNG welcomes 3 new PhD students - Ali, Golnaz and Pushkal!

July 2024
Dinesh and Ish co-charing Mobicom Open-AI-RAN 2024 workshop.

June 2024
WCSNG has 5 PhD Graduates in 2024. Congrats Ish, Aditya, Raghav, Manideep, and Kshitiz!

Mar 2024
BeamArmor published in Hotmobile'24 with a live demo! Check it out here. Congrats Ish and Frederik!

Mar 2024
EdgeRIC is presented at NSDI'24 by Ushasi. Check out the paper here. Congrats Ushasi and team!

Nov 2023
Dinesh is co-charing Mobicom mmNets 2023 workshop at Madrid, Spain, with Ish and Roshan as publicity co-chairs.

July 2023
Crescendo - a sweep spectrum sensor that guarantees high signal fidelity will be presented at MobiCom'23. Congratulations Raghav and Kevin!

May 2023
Ish and Rohith presented two papers at Infocom'23 in New York and IEEE SnP'23 in San Francisco. Read news articles on mmFlexible and mmSpoof.

Apr 2023
Roshan has successfully defended his Final Ph.D. thesis. Congrats Roshan.

Mar 2023
Ish is chairing Mobicom S3 2023 workshop

Mar 2023
Best Poster Runner-up - Hotmobile 2023 goes to Towards Flexible Frequency-dependent mmWave Multi-Beamforming. Congrats Ish and Rohith!

Jan 2023
Mobicom'23 accepted GreenMO and IMWUT'23 accepted WiFoceSticker. Congrats Agrim and team!

Jan 2023
Hotmobile'23 accepted paper on MIRAGE - privacy fo user location. Congrats Roshan, Aditya, and Wei!

Dec 2022
Infocom'23 paper on Delay Phased array (DPA) - an innovative antenna array design for flexible, sustainable, and frequency-dependent multi-beam operations. Congrats Ish, Rohith, and Raghav!

Dec 2022
IEEE SnP'23 paper on mmSpoof- spoofing automotive radars using mmWave reflect array. Congrats Rohith, Ish, and Kshitiz!

Nov 2022
Dinesh announced his tenureship: I received a formal letter that I am tenured with acceleration. In large part, it is less of my success, but it is our shared success. I am delighted to have an opportunity to work with everyone here!

Oct 2022
Raghav Subbaraman presented BSMA at MobiCom 2022 in Sydney!

Sep 2022
Ish Jain and Raghav Subbaraman won Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2022.

June 2022
1st International Workshop on AI Perception at CVPR 2022 is live. See more details here.

May 2022
BLE security paper is out. See more details here. Congrats Hadi!

Apr 2022
WiFi localization and mapping paper P2SLAM accepted at IEEE Robotics and Automation'22. P2SLAM dataset is also released. Congrats Aditya Arun!

Dec 2021
Agrim got an invite from GetMobile'22 on his NSDI'21 paper on Sensing and localizing contact forces with signal reflections. Congrats Agrim!

Dec 2021
SCISRS $6M IARPA grant to secure wireless data communication (partner with JASR systems and Noise lab, UCSD). See news.

Sep 2021
Scott Zhao, undergraduate researcher at WCSNG, presented his paper ULoc at IMWUT'21. Watch a demo ULoc- a cm-accurate, low-latency and power-efficient UWB tag localization system.

June 2021
Ish was awarded winner of 3MT competition at student workshop SMS, Mobisys'21. Congratulations Ish!

May 2021
Congratulations Ish! paper accepted at Siggcomm'21 on mmReliable (enabling reliable mmWave links).

Mar 2021
Manideep presented SyncScatter- Enabling WiFi like synchronization and range for WiFi backscatter Communication at NSDI'21

Mar 2021
Agrim presented WiForce- Wireless Sensing and Localization of Contact Forces on a Space Continuum at NSDI'21

Dec 2020
Two papers got accepted at NSDI'21. Congrats Manideep and Agrim!

Sept 2020
Another backscatter paper in circuits conference ISSCC'21. Congrats Manideep and team!

Sept 2020
Two papers got accepted at Sensys'20. Congrats Kshitiz and Yeswanth!

Sept 2020
IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits (JSSC) accepted A Low-Power Backscatter Modulation System Communicating Across Tens of Meters with Standards-Compliant Wi-Fi Transceivers. Congrats Mani, Chi and team!

July 2020
mmNets workshop (Mobicom'20) paper accepted mMobile- Building a mmWave testbed to evaluate and address mobility effects. Congrats Ish and team!

June 2020
ECCV'20 paper got accepted on S3Net- Semantic-Aware Self-Supervised Depth Estimation with Monocular Videos and Synthetic Data. Congrats Inderjot and team!

June 2020
WCSNG is opensourcing largest available, real-world indoor Location labelled WiFi CSI dataset, WILD for non-profit research purposes.

June 2020
BluBLE, our Covid-19 app is in news here and here.

June 2020
ScatterMIMO- our smart reflecting surface that can double the WiFi throughput is in UCSD news and

Apr 2020
WCSNG developed BluBLE, a smartphone app that provides personal risk indicator with Covid-19. It monitors the surrounding using Bluetooth signal while preserving privacy. Read more...

Mar 2020
Roshan qualified PhD candidate exam. Congrats Roshan!

Mar 2020
Roshan presented "LocAP" at NSDI, Santa Clara. <img src='images/newspic/Roshan-locap.jpg' class='img-responsive' width=80% />

Dec 2019
ISSCC 2020 accepted "A 28μW IoT Tag That Can Communicate with Commodity WiFi"

Dec 2019
NSDI 2020 accepted "LocAP- Localization of existing Wifi Infrastructure." Congrats Roshan and team!

Nov 2019
ScatterMIMO: Enabling Virtual MIMO with Smart Surfaces accepted at Mobicom 2020. Congrats Manideep and team!

Nov 2019
DLoc (Deep Learning based WiFi localization) accepted at Mobicom 2020. Congrats Roshan and team!

Sep 2019
Aditya, Agrim, Raghav, Nikhil, and Byungjun joined WCSNG. Welcome!

20 June 2019
Yeswanth presented SparSDR at Mobysis 2019, Seoul, South Korea. <img src='images/newspic/yesw.jpg' class='img-responsive' width=80% />

20 June 2019
Siddharth presented Capttery at Mobysis 2019, Seoul, South Korea.

19 June 2019
Yue, Aman, and Yongxi presented their work on SIGNet in CVPR 2019, Long Beach, CA, USA.

9 June 2019
Year-end celebration for graduating studnets. <img src='images/newspic/party.jpg' class='img-responsive' width=80% />

1 June 2019
Yeswanth and Hadi won Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2019 for their work on SweepSense.

May 2019
Manideep, Ish, Yeswanth, and Roshan qualified their PhD preliminary exam.

27 Feb 2019
Yeswanth gave a talk on his paper Sweep-Sense at NSDI 2019, Boston, MA, USA.

5 Dec 2018
Roshan presented his paper BLoc at CoNext 2018, Greece.

1 Nov 2018
Ish presented his poster on Wireless VR at Mobicom 2018, New Delhi, India.

Aug 2018
Manideep, Ish, and Kshitiz joined WCSNG. Welcome!