EdgeRIC: Empowering Real-time Intelligent Optimization and Control in NextG Networks
Planning to Explore via Self-Supervised World Models
EdgeRIC: Empowering Real-time Intelligent Optimization and Control in NextG Networks

Woo Hyun Ko
Ushasi Ghosh
Ujwal Dinesha
Raini Wu
Srinivas Shakkottai
Dinesh Bharadia
NSDI 2024

Radio Access Networks (RANs) are increasingly softwarized and accessible via data-collection and control interfaces. RAN intelligent control (RIC) is an approach to manage these interfaces at different timescales. In this paper, we introduce EdgeRIC, a real-time RIC co-located with the Distributed Unit (DU). It is decoupled from the RAN stack, and operates at the RAN timescale. EdgeRIC serves as the seat of real-time AI-in-the-loop for decision and control. It can access RAN and application-level information to execute AI-optimized and other policies in real-time (sub-millisecond). We demonstrate that EdgeRIC operates as if embedded within the RAN stack. We showcase RT applications called μApps over EdgeRIC that significantly outperforms a cloud-based near real-time RIC (> 15 ms latency) in terms of attained system throughput. Further, our over-the-air experiments with AI-based policies showcase their resilience to channel dynamics. Remarkably, these AI policies outperform model-based strategies by 5% to 25% in both system throughput and end user application-level benchmarks across diverse mobile scenarios.

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